Please join our Holy Ruckus!
Matthew Lyda and Recover The Wild
May 3-5, 2024
at Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, VA
Come to reconnect with your original innocence, hone your capacity for generative ridiculousness, and explore “Angelic Troublemaking!”
In a time of chronic stress, breakneck pace, and the weight upon our shoulders, it’s important to remember potent resources and engage in the essential task of elevating our masculine maturity.
You will:
Laugh, Sing and Be Silent
Practice presence
Sit in Council
Wander in the Wilderness
Experience Rituals
Share plenty of high-fives
Collaborate with other intrepid men in:
Experiments with childlikeness
Invitations to play and Holy Foolery
Essential conversations around compulsions
Opportunities for joy
Antidotes to burnout
Balm for the stress men carry
Arrival: Friday, May 3, 2024, no later than 4:30 pm
Departure: Sunday, May 5, 2024, by 1:30 pm
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 19, 2024
Pricing includes the Program, two nights lodging and meals
Standard (double occupancy room) — $375
Single Room — $435
Discounted — $325 — Scholarships are available, by contacting
It is of a high value to us that to the greatest extent possible money is NOT a barrier to participation.
Meet Matthew Ray Lyda
If you haven’t met or experienced Matthew, you’re in for a real treat.
Matthew brings wisdom beyond his age.
As a retreat leader he is both magical and masterful.
The rituals he conducts and theological insights he imparts create a rich spiritual meal.
Matthew drives a 2012 Honda minivan sporting a unicorn license plate. He is an inhabitant of the foothills of South Carolina, the former hunting grounds of the Cherokee people. He’s also a fan of many Kevin Cosner films (esp. Robin Hood & Dances with Wolves).
He served overseas in Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, and Kolkata. Married to his best friend and college sweetheart, he fathers three glorious children who could not care less about the credentials and post-nominals that tag on like a caboose to his name, including:
● Certified Spiritual Director (Oasis Ministries)
● Author of Recover the Wild & Defeated by Great Waters
● PSAP (Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional)
● RAE (Rainbow Advocate Educator)
● Certificate in Ecopsychology (Pacifica)
● Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies (Trauma Research Foundation - In process)
● MATS (Masters in Theological Studies)
● Membership with IITAP (Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals)
● Membership with SDI (Spiritual Directors International)
● Co-founder of Recover The Wild, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit
● Formation in CIT (Center for Intercultural Training)
● Educator for 6+ years