EROP 2025: Scholarship Application Form
ILLUMAN ECC desires to make the EROP available to all men regardless of their financial situation. Thanks to the generosity of many initiated men who have completed the EROP and appreciate its value, we are able to provide a limited amount of funding for scholarships to offset registration fees only, not transportation expenses. We strongly encourage applicants in need of financial help to first seek financial assistance from their place of ministry, their local faith community, or other available funding sources.
Payment Plans: Use this form if you are requesting a special payment option.
This application should be filled out only after you have received notification you have been accepted for the EROP.
Except in unusual circumstances, the maximum scholarship amount is $400.
The EROP Registrar will contact you to let you know if scholarship assistance will be provided to you, or not.
If you are unable or uncomfortable with completing your scholarship application online, you may download the application and mail it to the EROP Registrar: John Ball, P.O. Box 207, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686-0207.
To request scholarship assistance, please answer the following questions to assist our process.