YMROP Background & Resources
Father Richard Rohr created Men’s Rites of Passage to assist men in their transition to the second half of life. The experience was so profoundly transformative that Fr. Rohr created Illuman to offer Men’s Rites of Passage around the United States, in Europe and Australia. As younger and younger men started showing up at MROPs, Illuman men recognized that younger also hunger for companionship and mentoring on the journeys -- but younger men needed a different experience to transition into the fullness of their manhood in the first half of life.
Young Men’s Rites of Passage builds on decades of wisdom gleaned from the Men’s Rites but has been adapted to the life-stage challenges of young men from 18-28. Young Men in Germany, England and the United States have validated these rites as highly significant and often life-changing.
Illuman DC invites Young Men to continue growing in community with other young men through councils – in person or virtual. You are welcome to participate in Illuman’s experiential learning opportunities for continued spiritual and personal growth and community building.
You may also want to check out our annual gathering of men, Awaken, scheduled for September 2023.
Books and articles
Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality by Richard Rohr
Adam’s Return – The Five Promises of Male Initiation by Richard Rohr
Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin
Rediscovering Rites of Passage for Our Time by Richard Rohr
Richard Rohr on Male Initiation
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4