Initiator and RIM Programs
for 2021 MROP
Wednesday 9.29.21 - Sunday 10.3.21
Johnsonburg Retreat Center

The point of initiations, whether accidental or intentional, is to touch the mysterious core, pass through change, and return... One touch can change the course of a life forever
— Meade, Men and the Water, 431

If you are a man looking for more information on the Illuman Men’s Rites of Passage, that is scheduled from Wednesday September 26th - Sunday October 3rd you can find it here

2011 Rolling Ridge WV

2011 Rolling Ridge WV

2019 Buffalo Gap VA

2019 Buffalo Gap VA

Returning Men 1.JPG

If you are a ‘returning’ man looking to renew your MROP experience and live in solidarity with the men on their Spiritual Journey, we want to help you with your decision.

First, your presence is an important and vital component of the MROP.

“The importance of witness is frequently underestimated, but is highlighted when the witness is gone or the opportunity for witness is unavailable. A witness validates. Being a witness to self and others is a sacred task. In times of loss and sorrow, a witness is one who offers to hold hope in our darkest time. Witnessing validates a meaningful experience whether that experience is one of loss, success, or transition.”

Returning Men have two Options:

The Initiator Program

  • 5 day experience - Wed 9/26 - Sun 10/3

  • This is not a repetition of the MROP experience, but rather gives an initiated man the opportunity to deepen his understanding of the MROP while he plays an important role of service in supporting the initiation of other men.

  • Bob Sabath and Terry Chapman will be the elders leading this work.

  • More information about the program is here

  • Payment page is here

The RIM Program

  • 2 day experience - Sat 10/2 - Sun 10/3

  • Your role is to be a witness to, in solidarity with, the initiates during their last day. This will also give you an opportunity to re-connect with your Illuman brothers.

  • Anthony Monticchio will be the elder for this group

  • More information about the program is here

  • Payment page is here

All Registrations need to be in by Wednesday September 15th.

The role of ritual in the growth of consciousness is related to its power to make symbolic experience into something physical and concrete. Although we can understand the meaning of the symbols with our minds, our understanding is made immeasurably deeper and more concrete when we feel the symbols with our bodies and our feelings. When we only think about symbols, or talk about them, we are able to detach ourselves to readily from the feeling quality that surrounds them.

But if we ‘do’ something to express the symbol something that involves our bodies and our emotions the symbol becomes a living reality for us. It etches itself indelibly on our consciousness.
— Robert Johnson


We currently have 50 men registered and our goal is to reach 150 men in the next few weeks.

How can you help:

  1. Share the link to this page via text message or email with an Initiated Brother 

  2. Share this link with new men on the Journey

  3. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue on the journey of men transforming men. 

When asked late in his life if civilization would survive, Jung replied that he hoped it would if only enough people would take responsibility for their own consciousness
— Robert Johnson, Contentment