Thank You
for your interest in the Illuman East Coast Collaborative
We are the IllumanDC Chapter dba the Illuman East Coast Collaborative (ECC)
You might want to bookmark our website address:
Our Events Page is
The Illuman National website is
You have been added to our ECC Database. Emails typically come from Illuman ECC Conveners (, occasionally from me directly ( I will also add you to our national database. Those emails typically come from
We recommend you join our regular practice of Council. You can learn more here: The ECC monthly Virtual Council is held on the fourth Tuesday night of each month at 8PM. ECC Virtual Council link — Zoom Password 749487
An Illuman East Coast biweekly council is on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 8:00 AM ET Contact Zoom Link Meeting ID: 922 512 3855 If you plan to attend one of these, please email us and we will notify the Convener to expect you.
We also recommend you sign up for and read the daily meditation emails from Richard Rohr and his Center For Action and Contemplation. If you are new to their Daily Meditation emails I actually recommend you startwith an early year and suggest 2015 —
Men’s Rites of Passage —
Please investigate our Men's Rites of Passage Experience (MROP). This will be held in Virginia, from Wednesday September 18, thru Sunday afternoon, September 22, 2024. The location is the Shrine Mont retreat center in Orkney Springs VA. For more information and to register visit our website:
If you have any questions or would like an introductory conversation, please email